Hungarian professionals reform veterinary medicine with 3D printing

A Hungarian team with veterinarian and engineering background creates anatomical models, drilling guides and implants by means of 3D modelling. Similarly to human medicine, they want to introduce personalised veterinarian medicine with the help of digital design and 3D printing.

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Media presence
The Revolution of Surgical Guides: 3 Case Studies Worth Reading

The application of 3D-printed surgical guides in veterinary medicine has brought about a pioneering change: here we present 3 very illustrative examples.

Media presence
Innovations are of great help in the field of neurosurgery- Interview with Dr László Lehner, DVM (Part 2)

How does human medicine affect veterinary medicine? In which fields and how can technological innovations be used in small animal neurosurgery? We discussed these questions and many more with Dr. László Lehner, veterinarian specialised in small animal neurosurgery.

Media presence
Virág’s background story

Virág is a Yorkshire terrier who spent her days at a shelter (hosted by Állat és Ember Állatvédő Egyesület \[“Animal and Human” Animal Protection Association]). She could not use her left hind leg due to a congenital disorder. Doctor Seregi, one of the owners of FuzioVet Animal Hospital, was the orthopaedist at the shelter. That is how he met Virág and tried to find a solution to her problem.

Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) implantation
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) implantation

Patient-specific surgical equipment

Drilling guides for spine surgery
Drilling guides for spine surgery

Patient-specific surgical equipment

Atlantoaxial instability
Atlantoaxial instability

Personalized implants